Banda: Brutal War
Origem: Santa Maria da Vitória\Bahia
Gênero: Thrash\Death Metal
Álbum: Rage of Destruction
Ano: 2006
1.Rage of Destruction
2.Cast In the Fire
3.Chaos of Insanity
4.Kill and Destroy
5.Marching to the Grave
6.Raining Radiation
7.Sacrificial Suicide
8.Satan in the Command
9.Sentence of Death
10.Bloody Sacrifice
Álbum: Rage of Destruction
Ano: 2006
1.Rage of Destruction
2.Cast In the Fire
3.Chaos of Insanity
4.Kill and Destroy
5.Marching to the Grave
6.Raining Radiation
7.Sacrificial Suicide
8.Satan in the Command
9.Sentence of Death
10.Bloody Sacrifice
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